On May 4th at a networking event held at Um,berleigh in North Devon, Steve Edwrads from Devon County Council gave a presentation on Crowdfunding and how it can be used. You can find the "powerpoint" version here and the "pdf" version with additional notes here.
Crowdfunding requires a significant amount of work in publising your project, usually in conjunction with social media and requires good networks - though involviong a significant amount of work it can be a very helpful tool to multiply funds.
If you would like further information, Steve's contact details are below.
Steve Edwards
Strategic Engagement Manager (and Locality Lead - Ivybridge)
Communities, Public Health, Environment and Prosperity
Devon County Council.
Room G60 County Hall, Topsham Road,
Exeter, EX2 4QR
Tel. 01392 383000 (with voicemail)
email: Steven.edwards@devon.gov.uk