Devon Churches Rural Forum

Linking Lives

Our Devon co-ordinator for Linking Lives is Richard Taylor with contact/further information links as below:

Tel:      07958 980035


Linking Lives UK was set up four years ago to enable churches to address social isolation and loneliness particularly among older people. Even prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, these issues were receiving increasing levels of interest and concern from across society including central government.

Home Visiting

Our usual model of operation is to work with churches on a local level to enable home visiting befriending projects to be established. These projects provide a framework for volunteers to visit one person once a week for around one hour and this regular visit can often be a real lifeline. We also have many stories of opportunities for volunteers (where appropriate) to pray with the person they visit or to invite them to church services or other church activities.

Telephone Befriending

Since March this year, we have developed a new model focusing on telephone befriending, called ‘Two’s Company’. This can be set up quickly and easily by local churches and provides a way to engage with those most at risk of the side effects of social isolation. A weekly phone call lasting for around one hour is made by a volunteer from the church. We provide full training to coordinators and an initial group of volunteers via Zoom, as well as the necessary guidance and documentation needed to set a project up and run it effectively. (leaflet attached)

Download the leaflet here

Insight & Endorsements

We have a few Videos that you can watch. You may want to start with the one titled “Two’s Company” -

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